Trying to install: Ghost

Ghost has been made public today in the afternoon. I was waiting for it so I tried to install it from the source code a few hours later. I followed the step listed in the file First, I had to install Ruby on my system, put it in the PATH and install two gems.

Installing Ruby:

export PATH
source ~/.bash_profile

Installing the gems:

gem install sass
gem install bourbon

Then, I followed the instructions given by Ghost developers. I hadn’t any problems with the installation process, since it’s well documented.

Time for testing. I created a new user and a new article. I really like the markdown editor used to write posts. The interface looks great too. In my opinion, Ghost is very promising, many things are still missing, but everything should be there in version 1.0. So it’s highly possible that I will quit WordPress for Ghost.


Auteur/autrice : Victor

Ingénieur en informatique de formation et de métier, j’administre ce serveur et son domaine et privilégie l'utilisation de logiciels libres au quotidien. Je construis progressivement mon "cloud" personnel service après service pour conserver un certain contrôle sur mes données numériques.

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