[Xorg] no screens found

During my previous installation of Arch Linux, I encountered the « error no screens found » when trying to launch X graphic server. It took me a couple hours to understand that my motherboard had « embedded graphic functionality ». So in order to solve my problem, I had to deactivate Intel pilot from the motherboard in the BIOS, so that the system would use the graphic card instead. So an easy solution in my case, but it seems that this error can be obtained in a wide variety of case. If you’re reading this having a similar problem, I hope you’ll find a solution.

Useful command to see graphic cards detected by the system:

lspci | grep VGA

Vider le cache de pacman

En premier lieu, on utilise :

paccache -r

Cette commande a pour effet de supprimer toutes les versions d’un paquet, sauf la plus récente. Néanmoins, les paquets désinstallés resteront dans le cache, pour s’en débarrasser, on exécute donc:

paccache -ruk0

Toutes les versions des paquets désinstallés seront ainsi supprimées.

D’après pacman – ArchWiki.

Arduino IDE – Port série indisponible

Petit aide-mémoire en cas d’indisponibilité du port série dans l’IDE Arduino et constaté sous Arch Linux.

Le problème provient d’un manque de permission sur le répertoire /run/lock pour l’IDE.

# chown root:wheel /run/lock
# chmod 775 /run/lock

Autre possibilité, démarrer l’IDE en root.


mt-daapd on Arch Linux

I’ve first discovered mt-daapd on an Ubuntu OS. Installation was really easy, same for configuration and I was able to stream my music to my Rhythmbox player. It was fine. But recently, I changed the OS and the server is now running Arch Linux. So I tried to reconfigure mt-daapd.

On Arch, mt-daapd can be found in the Arch User Repository (AUR). First we need to install it using yaourt:

yaourt -S mt-daapd

If everything goes right, mt-daapd should now be installed. I then created /etc/avahi/services/mt-daapd.service (maybe not needed, haven’t tried without):

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">


<name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>

<txt-record>txtvers=1 iTShVersion=131073 Version=196610</txt-record>

<txt-record>txtvers=1 iTShVersion=131073 Version=196610</txt-record>


Restart avahi daemon:

systemctl restart avahi-daemon

Edit mt-daapd configuration file:

# $Id: mt-daapd.conf.templ 1660 2007-09-12 13:08:04Z rpedde $
# This is the mt-daapd config file.


# admin_pw (required)
# This is the password to the administrative pages

admin_pw = mt-daapd


# mp3_dir (required)
# Location of the mp3 files to share. Note that because the
# files are stored in the database by inode, these must be
# in the same physical filesystem.

mp3_dir = /path/to/music

# servername (required)
# This is both the name of the server as advertised
# via rendezvous, and the name of the database
# exported via DAAP. Also know as "What shows up in iTunes".

servername = MyServerName


Finally start mt-daapd:

systemctl start mt-daapd

And enable auto start:

systemctl enable mt-daapd

Web interface is now available at http://yourServerNameOrIp:3689.

[ArchLinux] Configurer le réseau

Directement tirées du wiki officiel, voici les commandes qui me sont très utiles pour configurer le réseau.


sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
sudo route add default gw




sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager

Permet de lancer NetworkManager pour qu’il soit présent après le login.